Facilitate the exchange of knowledge and best practices in planning, developing and supporting the health workforce.
- Promote a shared HRH vision across countries in order to facilitate collaboration and provide an inspirational future toward which we are all working
- Expand the HRH knowledge base by creating the opportunity for participants to share knowledge about HRH issues and their potential solutions
- Help develop a critical mass of HRH advocates and problem solvers that will help accelerate the appropriate application of HRH practices and tools in their respective countries
- Generate action plans for the implementation of new HRH practices and tools after the workshop
Tuesday, January 17
Opening session and reception
- Welcome, introductory work and reception
Wednesday, January 18
Introductory session
- Opening Remarks
- United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Regional HIV/AIDS Program (RHAP)
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)/Southern Africa Capacity Initiative (SACI)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- Background, objectives and agenda for the meeting (Capacity Project)
Setting the context
- Participants describe the HRH crisis at the country level: progress, challenges, obstacles, future areas of interest
Key developments to support global HRH work
Critical HRH topic working groups (session one)
- Topic-based working groups (e.g., human resources strategic planning, workforce assessment and planning, recruitment, hiring and deployment, performance improvement) discuss issues: what is being tried, what appears to be working, not working
Working group report highlights
- Key points from working groups shared in plenary
- Discussion
Closure for day
Thursday, January 19
Implications of Wednesday’s sessions
- Country groups meet, share information from the day, discuss any implications for HRH in their country
- Brief sharing in large group
SACI framework
- Sharing SACI framework and approach to utilizing existing national capacity
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SACI overview
Questions and discussion
Critical HRH topic working groups (session two)
- Topic-based working groups (e.g., HRM, retention, productivity and performance management) discuss issues: what is being tried, what appears to be working, not working
Working group report highlights
- Key points from working groups shared in plenary
- Discussion
Key promising practice examples
Implications of today’s sessions
- Country groups meet, share information from the day, discuss any implications for HRH in their country
- Brief sharing in large group
Friday, January 20
Feedback on HRH Framework from December consultation meeting
- Discussion and input into HRH Framework
Discussion of remaining HRH issues
Supporting HRH work at the field level
Action planning: country teams work, consult, look for common action themes in the region, develop/refine actions
- Work as country groups to determine actions emerging from workshop deliberations; identify regional or shared actions across countries; and consider how to support each other
- Discussion
Reviewing progress/looking at next steps/workshop evaluation