
Capacity Project logo

Designed to help developing countries respond to the challenges of implementing and sustaining quality health programs, the Capacity Project applies proven and promising approaches to improve the quality and use of priority health care services by:

  • Improving workforce policies and planning
  • Developing better education and training programs for the workforce
  • Strengthening systems to support workforce performance.

Launched in October 2004, this five-year project is led by IntraHealth International and draws on the extensive experience and expertise of seven other global partners and numerous regional and local organizations. The Capacity Project partnership includes IntraHealth International, Inc., Emerging Markets Group, Ltd. (EMG), Interchurch Medical Assistance (IMA), JHPIEGO, Management Sciences for Health (MSH), Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) and Training Resources Group, Inc. (TRG).

United Nations Development Program logo

A component of the UNDP Regional Service Centre for Eastern and Southern Africa, SACI is a framework promoting responses in a number of critical human capacity areas. SACI supports countries in southern Africa to design and implement a set of additional actions and strategies that address the complex human capacity challenges in a systematic and integrated manner. The framework calls for a new sense of urgency to meet capacity needs that will facilitate achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).