About the Capacity ProjectWithout improved human capacity for health care, it will be impossible to sustain gains made in past decades in areas such as child survival and family planning while responding to newer demands such as the HIV/AIDS pandemic. The Capacity Project is an innovative global initiative funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Designed to help developing countries respond to the challenges of implementing and sustaining quality health programs, the Capacity Project applies proven and promising approaches to improve the quality and use of priority health care services by:
Launched in October 2004, this five-year project is led by IntraHealth International and draws on the extensive experience and expertise of eight other global partners and numerous regional and local organizations. The Capacity Project works across health sectors and supports the objectives of USAID in the areas of Population and Reproductive Health, HIV/AIDS and Health, Infectious Diseases and Nutrition (including tuberculosis and maternal and child health). The Capacity Project partnership includes IntraHealth International, Inc., Emerging Markets Group, Ltd (EMG), Interchurch Medical Assistance (IMA), JHPIEGO, Liverpool Associates in Tropical Health (LATH), Management Sciences for Health (MSH), Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), and Training Resources Group, Inc. (TRG). For more information about the Capacity Project, visit our website at www.capacityproject.org. |