Mothers Support Group Training Manual Launched in Ethiopia Print

In July, 50 Ethiopian officials from the federal and regional Ministry of Health (MOH) endorsed the Capacity Project's Mothers Support Group (MSG) training manual for adoption nationwide.

The official launch took place on August 2. The MSG program supports the needs of pregnant women who are living with HIV and caring for babies by connecting mothers and mothers-to-be with critical services and emotional support. Initiated by IntraHealth International in 2003 through a USAID bilateral project and continued under the Capacity Project since October 2007, MSG has scaled up to 50 sites and become one of the most accepted MOH initiatives to support prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT).

The Ethiopian HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Office included MSG in its national HIV/AIDS response strategy and national PMTCT guidelines. The training manual includes documentation of experiences and lessons learned from government and nongovernment partners.

September 2008