Final Report Completed on Workplace Violence Study in Rwanda Print

The final report from a study conducted by the Capacity Project in 2007 on workplace violence within Rwanda's health sector has been completed and will soon be made available in French and English, and the Project is currently planning a national dissemination meeting to share the report and results more widely.

The study found that almost four out of ten providers (39.4%) suffered from workplace violence over the 12 months prior to the study, and almost 29% of those who experienced violence said it had a negative impact on their work.

The study also identified issues specifically affecting women at work and demonstrated that a higher degree of gender equality decreases violence. Violence prevention policies and programs are largely absent or inadequate in health facilities in Rwanda. As a result of the study findings, the Ministry of Health will set up policies to address gender-based discrimination and will organize a specific program to respond to violence in health facilities.

July 2008