Improved Performance, Increased Retention: Strengthening Human Resources Management Print

At the 35th Annual International Conference on Global Health in Washington, DC, please join the Capacity Project to explore how strengthening key elements of human resources management can improve health worker performance and time utilization and enable leaders and managers to more effectively support health workers.

  1. Tuesday, May 27, 2008
  2. 6:30-8:30 p.m.
  3. Omni Shoreham Hotel, The Executive Room

GHC Capacity Project event flyerAddressing the global shortage of human resources for health calls not only for increasing the sheer numbers of health professionals but also for supporting and motivating health workers to remain in their jobs and to do them well.

Drawing on the experiences of USAID’s global Capacity Project, this participatory workshop explores approaches for fostering improved performance, enhancing health workers’ time utilization, strengthening health professional associations and enabling leaders in human resources for health to more effectively manage and support the workforce.

Please see the event flyer, and visit the Capacity Project at Booth 402.

Related resources:

  1. Human Resources Management in the Health Sector
  2. Increasing the Motivation of Health Care Workers
  3. Retention of Health Care Workers in Low-Resource Settings
  4. The Productivity Challenge: Developing Approaches to Improve Health Care Worker Efficiency