Improving Support Systems for Health Worker Performance in Uganda Print

In December, the Capacity Project’s Dr. Bruno Benavides worked with the Uganda Ministry of Health (MOH) on improving prevention of mother-to-child tranmission (PMTCT) services in the Northern Region, using the Project’s approach to performance support.

He presented the Project’s methodology and led discussions on implications for Uganda and the role of the MOH. He also worked with national HIV programs to review performance standards and promote their implementation. In the northern city of Lira, he facilitated a performance support workshop with district officers from nine districts and provided demonstrations at the district hospital and health centers. Working with the Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau (UPMB), Dr. Benavides led similar exercises to help improve the health management information system.

The MOH and UPMB will now develop standards and assessment tools to help implement performance support processes that will benefit the delivery of HIV and reproductive health programs.

January 2008