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Capacity Project Participates in Important Central American Conference on HIV/AIDS Print E-mail

From November 4-10 in Nicaragua, Capacity Project staff Dr. Bruno Benavides and Dr. José Enrique Zelaya participated in the Central American Conference on HIV/AIDS.

The Whole Picture: Strengthening Health Workforce Policies and Planning in Rwanda Print E-mail

Voices from the Capacity Project

Rwandan mother and child“We need a more balanced geographic distribution of health professionals in Rwanda,” says Bonita Baingana, who served until recently as the Rwanda Ministry of Health’s human resources for health (HRH) advisor. The country faces one of the most critical shortages of physicians and nurses in Africa, especially in rural areas. “Most health professionals prefer to work in urban areas due to many privileges that are not found in rural areas,” Baingana notes, “leaving the rural areas with few staff to care for the majority of the country’s population.”

When Baingana joined the Ministry of Health in 2005 to take up a position supported by the Capacity Project, she found that there was no consolidated source of records on public health workers. The government urgently needed a consistent, routinely updated information system to track the deployment of health professionals across the country. With Baingana’s help, the Capacity Project partnered with the Ministry of Health and Belgian Technical Cooperation to support HRH initiatives including the development of a human resources information system (HRIS) for use at the central level and at district health offices.

Data Collected for Study on Barriers to Care for HIV-Infected Health Workers Print E-mail

As part of the Capacity Project’s efforts to support the health workforce, the Project is conducting a qualitative research study in Swaziland to identify HIV-infected health workers’ barriers to care, status disclosure and remaining in the workforce—an area that is almost completely undocumented.

Family Planning Efforts in Rwanda Informed by Study Tour in Kenya Print E-mail

During the week of October 7-14, Capacity Project/Rwanda family planning (FP) team members Dr. William Twahirwa and Jovite Sinzahera traveled to Kenya for a study tour of FP on-the-job training (OJT) sites.

Capacity Project Begins New Work to Strengthen HIV Training in Caribbean Print E-mail

The Capacity Project has begun working to strengthen the capacity of the Caribbean HIV/AIDS Regional Training (CHART) Network to conduct rapid training needs assessments for health service providers for HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean region.

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