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Namibia Progresses with Expansion of HR Information System Print E-mail

One of the goals of the Namibia Ministry of Health and Social Services (MOHSS) is to strengthen the electronic human resources information system (HRIS) located in the Office of the Prime Minister and expand it to all ministries and eventually the districts.

Moving from Planning to Strategic Action: Strengthening Swaziland’s Grant from the Global Fund Print E-mail

Voices from the Capacity Project

Swaziland has the world's highest known rate of HIV infection—over 38% in the adult population. Average life expectancy has declined to just 39 years. Orphans are estimated to number almost 70,000, projected to increase to 120,000 by 2010. A vast number of this small country’s households are headed by children living on their own or with a sick parent or relative, unable to provide for their basic needs. With so much at stake, the country is working hard to mobilize all resources.

Signing Global Fund agreementThe National Emergency Response Council on HIV/AIDS (NERCHA) is mandated by the government of Swaziland to facilitate the multisectoral response. “NERCHA is in a pivotal position to coordinate a successful response to the pandemic,” says the Capacity Project’s Jawara Lumumba. Among its duties, the organization serves as the Principal Recipient for Swaziland’s HIV grant from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

Capacity Project Contributes to Inaugural Global Forum on HRH Print E-mail

From March 2-7, the Capacity Project participated in the first Global Forum on Human Resources for Health (HRH) in Kampala, Uganda.

Health Professional Associations Aided By Communications Training Print E-mail

The Capacity Project’s efforts to strengthen health professional associations include a focus on communications skills, to help leaders and members interact effectively with media and policy-makers. A recent example from Uganda shows the impact of these efforts.

Meeting on Workplace Violence Study Results Conducted in Rwanda Print E-mail

From February 20-22, the Capacity Project held a meeting in Kigali to review the preliminary results of the Rwanda Workplace Violence Study.

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