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Tanzania Faith-Based Health Network to Expand Access to HR Data via Capacity Project Software Print E-mail

The Capacity Project participated in a series of meetings with various staff and partner organizations affiliated with the Christian Social Services Commission (CSSC) of Tanzania and the Tanzania Ministry of Health, exploring ways to enhance health information data-sharing and collaboration.

Stakeholder Ownership of Capacity Project Interventions Demonstrated in Uganda Print E-mail

The Uganda Ministry of Health (MOH) recently held a Midterm Review of the 2005–2010 Health Sector Strategic Plan to discuss progress and address unmet goals.

Working from the Inside: Mainstreaming HIV into Government Planning in Kenya Print E-mail

Voices from the Capacity Project

Meshack Ndolo has a story to tell about an important aspect of Kenya’s national response to HIV. This is a story about the successful process of working within the government—in an innovative way—to achieve significant results.

Ndolo at the MPNDFirst, a look back. It’s 1989, and Meshack Ndolo of Kisumu is worried. He’s working at the Ministry of Health while teaching at Kenya Medical Training College, and he sees the increasing spread of HIV. Since the country’s first case was reported in 1984, more and more Kenyans have been dying. But Ndolo finds that only a handful of people seem to know the basic facts and how to protect themselves. Around that time, “I developed an interest in information on HIV/AIDS.”

Throughout the 1990s, HIV prevalence rose at alarming rates. In 2000, the Kenyan government established the National AIDS Control Council (NACC) to coordinate the multisectoral response. But while many government agencies and partners were working hard to address what had become a pandemic, there remained serious gaps and unmet needs.

Tanzania Faith-Based Health Network Improves HR Information Systems Print E-mail

For staff of the Christian Social Services Commission (CSSC) in Tanzania, the Capacity Project conducted two training sessions in the use of geographic information systems (GIS) for the management of health facilities and the health workforce.

Workshop Supports Rapid Needs Assessment for HIV in Caribbean Print E-mail

The Capacity Project is working with the Caribbean HIV/AIDS Regional Training (CHART) Network, whose Regional Coordinating Unit is located in Kingston, Jamaica.

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