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Training for Nursing School Faculty and Leaders Held in Mali Print E-mail

From May 12-17, the Capacity Project held a training workshop at the Ecole des Infirmiers de Gao for teachers and directors of the nursing school to orient them to new training materials developed using the Project’s Learning for Performance methodology and tools.

HRH Action Framework Now Available in French and Spanish Print E-mail

The HRH Action Framework (HAF)—developed in collaboration with the Global Health Workforce Alliance, WHO, USAID and other partners—represents general agreement among global and national stakeholders on a comprehensive approach to address health workforce issues, and provides a set of tools and resources to develop successful human resources for health (HRH) strategies.

Resource Center Opened at Teaching Hospital in Southern Sudan Print E-mail

May 17 marked the opening of the new Resource Center at the Juba Teaching Hospital in Southern Sudan.

Capacity Project Collaborates on Regional Family Planning Training Print E-mail

In April, the Capacity Project and Africa’s Health in 2010 collaborated with facilitators from the Tanzania Ministry of Health and the East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community to conduct a five-day regional training on contemporary issues in family planning.

“I Can Make a Difference in One’s Family Life”: Preventing Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV Print E-mail

Voices from the Capacity Project

Sister Abiyot BedaneSister Abiyot Bedane lives in the Arsi Zone of Oromiya Region in Ethiopia. As a maternal and child health nurse at the Alem Tenna Health Center, she works a busy schedule caring for local mothers and children. Until recently, though, her health center has not been able to help mothers who are HIV-positive to avoid passing on the virus to their children.

Women who are HIV-positive can transmit the virus during pregnancy or delivery or through breastfeeding. Without interventions, about a third of infants born to infected mothers contract the virus. Around the globe, an estimated two million children are HIV-positive. Yet simple treatments can greatly improve a newborn’s chance of avoiding infection.

Through prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) programs, mothers receive antenatal counseling and testing for HIV, and—if positive—follow-up and antiretroviral therapy; babies receive antiretroviral prophylaxis within 72 hours of birth.

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