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Capacity Project Facilitates Family Planning Repositioning Workshops in Rwanda Print E-mail

The Capacity Project recently organized and facilitated training workshops in two Rwandan health facilities participating in the Family Planning Repositioning Vasectomy Initiative.

Final Report Completed on Workplace Violence Study in Rwanda Print E-mail

The final report from a study conducted by the Capacity Project in 2007 on workplace violence within Rwanda's health sector has been completed and will soon be made available in French and English, and the Project is currently planning a national dissemination meeting to share the report and results more widely.

Capacity Project Technical Briefs Available in French Print E-mail

Focused on key aspects of planning, managing and supporting the health workforce, the Capacity Project’s series of technical briefs has been translated into French.

“Yielding Very Positive Results”: Improving Decentralized HIV Services in Costa Rica Print E-mail

Voices from the Capacity Project

Dr. Gloria TerwesIn Costa Rica, health managers and providers of HIV services considered a problem. With services concentrated in just three hospitals, all located in San Jose, the capacity for providing HIV care and treatment was overtaken by the demand. Waiting lists for enrolling newly diagnosed clients ran up to three months. For increased access, HIV services needed to be decentralized to other facilities. Yet some worried that the quality of care might suffer in the transition.

“In our laboratories, highly qualified staff and modern equipment are available to process samples—which is something that we are proud of,” says Dr. Gloria Terwes, national officer of the HIV Prevention and Control Unit of Costa Rican Social Security (Caja Costarricense de Seguridad Social, or CCSS). Yet an assessment revealed that “infection prevention practices are not being followed rigorously,” she explains. “Underlying problems range from mistakes in the purchase of gloves—various sizes to fit different staff members have not been considered—to underestimating the risk of accidental exposure to any infection, for staff and for our clients.”

Community of Practice Fosters Exchange of Experiences in Pre-Service Education Print E-mail

The Global Alliance for Pre-Service Education (GAPS) is an online community of practice aimed at strengthening pre-service education in family planning and reproductive health; it is supported by the Capacity Project in collaboration with the WHO and IBP Consortium.

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