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Study Continues Capacity Project Retention Research in Uganda Print E-mail

In collaboration with the Uganda Ministry of Health, the Capacity Project has completed data collection in 18 selected districts (Kampala, Kayunga, Iganga, Mbale, Katakwi, Manafwa, Bududa, Kitgum, Masindi, Buliisa, Arua, Moyo, Sembabule, Mbarara, Isingiro, Ibanda, Kiruhura and Kabale) within the four major geographical regions for a Uganda Health Workforce Turnover Study.

Capacity Project's iHRIS Software Presented at International Conferences Print E-mail

Capacity Project human resources information systems (HRIS) team leader Dykki Settle recently presented the iHRIS software at two international conferences dedicated to health information systems (HIS): the World Health Organization’s “Framework for Interoperability for Public Health Tools Meeting” in Geneva, Switzerland, and the joint Health Informatics Association of South Africa and OpenMRS regional conference in Durban, South Africa.

Capacity Project Participates in Highly Successful VCT Event in Namibia Print E-mail

From June 8-10 the Capacity Project participated in Namibia’s National Testing Days, drawing on the opportunity to promote the Project’s voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) activities.

Local Advisor Hired to Support HRIS Strengthening in Namibia Print E-mail

The Capacity Project/Namibia recently hired a local human resources information systems (HRIS) advisor, Laticha Walters, to work directly with stakeholders to ensure adherence to the Project-funded HRIS-strengthening activity plan.

Drawing on Data: Effective Decision-Making for the Health Workforce Print E-mail

Voices from the Capacity Project

Dr. Eddie MukooyoImagine you’re a health-sector manager faced with competing priorities for your country’s valuable human resources for health (HRH). You need data to help you make the most effective decisions, yet the information you seek is not easy to find—and not always easy to understand. “Often looking at the data, I was not quite sure what to do exactly,” admits one health manager in Swaziland. Another manager laments that trying to gather information “was a nightmare because the data was not readily available, not well analyzed and often wrong.”

The Capacity Project has been helping to strengthen human resources information systems (HRIS) in several African countries, and many of the systems are now able to produce useful reports about the health workforce. “Now we’re in the stage where we should start using [HRH] information for planning, for policy-making, for evidence for decisions,” observes Dr. Eddie Mukooyo, chair of the Uganda Health Workforce Advisory Board. But this hasn’t always been feasible. As one manager confesses, “I did not bother to collect data before but just made requests for posts without [consulting the] database.”

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