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Technical Briefs Focus on Use of Data for Health Workforce Planning and Management Print E-mail

Three new technical briefs from the Capacity Project expand the breadth and depth of information available to human resources practitioners.

"Better Service for the Client and the Community": Strengthening HIV Training in Belize Print E-mail

Voices from the Capacity Project

Gabriel CarrilloLeaders of the University of Belize's Faculty of Nursing and Allied Health had a vision. Their country has the third highest HIV prevalence in the region, after Haiti and Guyana, yet it lacked an effective system for training providers in counseling and testing. As faculty members, they dreamed of establishing a national training center that would provide the latest resources and trainings for both students and providers.

A small country of 300,000 people, English-speaking Belize is nestled between Spanish-speaking Mexico and Guatemala. There is no public medical school, and the University of Belize is the only institution graduating nurses, nurse aides, lab technicians, pharmacists and social workers. The lack of in-country capacity forced Belizeans to look abroad for training opportunities for health providers.

Capacity Project Releases Workforce Planning and Modeling Software Print E-mail

The Capacity Project recently released Version 1.0 of iHRIS Plan, free Open Source health workforce planning and modeling software.

Capacity Project Technical Briefs Available in Spanish Print E-mail

Focused on key aspects of planning, managing and supporting the health workforce, the Capacity Project’s first nine technical briefs have been translated into Spanish.

In-Service Training Management Module Piloted in Zanzibar Print E-mail

In August, Capacity Project staff piloted an in-service training management module at the Zanzibar Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOHSW).

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