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Susan's Story: Keeping Secrets and Promoting Family Planning in Rural Kenya Print E-mail

Voices from the Capacity Project

Nurse Susan KajujuIn Kenya's remote North Eastern Province, a woman nervously approached the Ijara District Hospital. She wanted to learn about family planning but feared for her privacy. In her deeply religious community, comprised mainly of ethnic Somali Muslims, households have an average of eight children and family planning is viewed with suspicion. "Are you going to keep the secret?" she asked the young nurse.

Nurse Susan Kajuju accepted a post at Ijara a year ago through the Capacity Project's Emergency Hiring Plan. She was among 830 health workers recruited and deployed to 219 key sites across the country. "When I came here there was only one method given to the clients," she recalls, "and I found very few are taking the methods—five in a month, ten in a month." Modern contraceptive prevalence among married women here is less than 1%, far lower than the national rate of 39%.

Study on Barriers to Care for HIV-Infected Health Workers Disseminated Print E-mail

On August 27, the Capacity Project’s Dr. Shannon Galvin and study collaborators from the Swaziland Nurses Association disseminated findings of a qualitative research study conducted in Swaziland to identify HIV-infected health workers’ barriers to care.

Leadership Program Strengthens Teamwork for Family Planning Print E-mail

From March 31 to June 27, the Capacity Project co-facilitated the Virtual Leadership Development Program for Family Planning Service Delivery Teams (VLDP FP), a rigorous 13-week blended-learning program.

HR Management Session Wins Gold Prize at Mini University Print E-mail

On September 12, the Capacity Project’s Ummuro Adano collaborated with USAID’s Lois Schaefer and Estelle Quain to deliver a successful session on human resource management (HRM) at the 8th Annual Global Health/USAID Mini University.

Mothers Support Group Training Manual Launched in Ethiopia Print E-mail

In July, 50 Ethiopian officials from the federal and regional Ministry of Health (MOH) endorsed the Capacity Project's Mothers Support Group (MSG) training manual for adoption nationwide.

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