Study Finds Lesotho Needs More Men in Community Health Jobs |
From October 21-22, officials from the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and the HIV Directorate met with key stakeholders from government, civil society and the donor community to review results from a Capacity Project study on the role of men as providers of HIV/AIDS care in Lesotho. |
Nurse Managers Complete Management Training in Southern Sudan |
In August and September, 20 state matrons and senior nurses in Southern Sudan took part in management and supervision training, including two weeks of classroom instruction and one week of practical sessions at a training hospital. |
Task Force Addresses HRH Implications of Universal Access |
On October 3, the Capacity Project’s Jim McCaffery participated in the Global Health Workforce Alliance (GHWA) Task Force Coordination Meeting. |
Rwanda Builds Skills for Using HR Data to Make Decisions |
In September, the Capacity Project facilitated a workshop in Rwanda on data-driven decision-making, focusing on using the country’s HR data to accomplish the goals and objectives of the Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSSP) and Human Resources Strategic Plan (HRSP). |