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New Tools Promote Translation of Capacity Project’s HR Software Print E-mail

The Capacity Project recently updated its human resources information systems (HRIS) software—the iHRIS Suite—with new tools to support translation into multiple languages.

Capacity Project Scales Up Training in Vasectomy Services in Rwanda Print E-mail

Following positive assessments of client satisfaction and provider competencies in the core-funded Family Planning Repositioning Vasectomy Initiative in Gicumbi and Nyabihu districts, the Capacity Project has expanded and scaled up vasectomy services in four additional districts in Rwanda.

Capacity Project Strengthens HRH in Kenyan Faith-based Organizations Print E-mail

The Capacity Project’s strategic approach to strengthening human resources for health (HRH) in faith-based organizations (FBOs) is harmonizing efforts across FBO health facilities in Kenya.

HIV Care for Health Workers: Perceptions and Needs Print E-mail

The Capacity Project announces the publication of Technical Brief 13: HIV Care for Health Workers: Perceptions and Needs.

Regional Workshop on HRH Action Framework Conducted in Chile Print E-mail

The Capacity Project, in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and Global Health Workforce Alliance (GHWA), conducted a workshop on the HRH Action Framework as a part of the PAHO IX Regional Meeting of the Observatories of Human Resources for Health in Santiago, Chile.

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