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Capacity Project’s HR Information System Benefits Swaziland Print E-mail

In 2006 the Swaziland Ministry of Health and Social Welfare asked the Capacity Project to conceptualize a database for the health workforce.

"I Can Now Speak Boldly": Using Quality Data for Health Workforce Planning in Uganda Print E-mail

Voices from the Capacity Project

Rita Matte“When I started working at the Uganda Nurses and Midwives Council in 2000,” recalls former registrar Rita Matte, “data management was a nightmare! Documents in the form of papers, registers, forms were everywhere.” Margaret Lutalo, the council’s senior nursing officer, confesses, “I used to feel guilty when requested to talk about the total number of qualified nurses and midwives in the country because I knew that we did not have accurate data.”

To help build the health workforce in Uganda, the Capacity Project is assisting the Ministry of Health to strengthen its human resources management and ability to gather and use accurate data for strategic planning. With key partners, the Project formed a Health Workforce Advisory Board to guide the process. The board is “a forum where important knowledge, experiences and views on HR have been exchanged among members,” says Benjamin Udongo, registrar for the Allied Health Professionals Council. Board members represent the Ministry of Health, Uganda’s four health professional councils, training institutions and nongovernmental organizations.

Capacity Project Conducts Training for Emergency Obstetric Care in Rwanda Print E-mail

The Capacity Project is currently supporting training workshops in five Project-supported nursing and midwifery schools in Rwanda.

Capacity Project Contributes to Africa Health Leadership and Management Network Print E-mail

From December 3-5, the Capacity Project’s Ummuro Adano participated in the Foundation Meeting of the Africa Health Leadership and Management Network (AHLMN), held in Nairobi, and contributed to the final conference press statement.

Capacity Project’s HRH Global Resource Center Announces Improvements Print E-mail

The Capacity Project’s HRH Global Resource Center, a successful online library of human resources for health (HRH) information, has implemented an enhanced navigation menu and new features to help users find and share information.

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