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Two Abstracts Accepted for Monitoring and Evaluation Conference Print E-mail

The American Evaluation Association accepted two Capacity Project abstracts to be presented at the annual meeting in Orlando on November 14. "Human Resources (HR) Development Promising Practices for a Functional National HIV Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) System" discusses promising, HR development strategies, providing models for overcoming all dimensions of this M&E HR gap.

"Evaluating Human Resources for Health (HRH) Systems Strengthening: Experiences from the USAID’s Capacity Project" includes two Project papers that will share lessons learned and recommendations for future HRH evaluation.

Papers will also address: how the HRH context influences evaluation; the nature of political context in HRH program success; the influence of HRH systems in determining the choice of evaluation methods; and culture’s role in a global project.

August 2009


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