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HRH Assessment Findings Presented to Partners in Vietnam Print E-mail

In collaboration with representatives of the US Government (USG) and UNAIDS, Capacity Project staff recently presented a draft final report of an assessment of human resources for health (HRH) to the Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control (VAAC) and other key partners.

The report takes into consideration interviews and focus groups carried out with eighty key government officials and mass organizations at the central, provincial, and district levels. Preliminary findings show a good potential for developing IT-based systems and support a general call for HRM strengthening, including improved sectoral planning, identification of HRH champions, stronger management training, and improved HR partnership mechanism.

USG and UNAIDS partners generally agreed with the report findings and recommendations, and VAAC provided written feedback. Next steps are to finalize the report and offer a plan of action including short- and medium-term recommendations to support the VAAC in its HIV prevention, care and support leadership role.

June 2009

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