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Rwanda Builds Skills for Using HR Data to Make Decisions Print E-mail

In September, the Capacity Project facilitated a workshop in Rwanda on data-driven decision-making, focusing on using the country’s HR data to accomplish the goals and objectives of the Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSSP) and Human Resources Strategic Plan (HRSP).

Project staff discussed the status of strengthening the central HR information system at the Ministry of Health and presented reports on public health sector doctors and nurses, including their location by province, age distribution and a gender breakdown of those hired since 2005. More than 40 HR leaders and decision-makers reviewed other types of HR data currently collected and identified additional information required at the central and district levels to respond to the HSSP and the HRSP.

Participants learned about data quality and presentation; discussed the need for standardization and increased data sharing; and drafted policy and management questions. The workshop resulted in a list of next steps, including a recommendation to develop a policy on information system management for the health sector by the end of 2008.

October 2008


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