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Leadership Development Program Facilitators’ Workshop Conducted in Kenya Print E-mail

In 2008, the Kenya Ministry of Health will launch the Improving Leadership and Change Management Program (ILCMP).

The Capacity Project is providing support for this initiative, whose objective is to enable managers to learn and apply practices that can improve work climate, employee motivation, management systems and the capacity to respond to change.In November, the Project supported a one-week training-of-facilitators workshop. Each of the eight provinces nominated two facilitators and the Kenya Institute of Administration made available two lecturers to strengthen the provincial teams. Three facilitators from the Ministry of Health also attended. The workshop helped to expand the existing pool of skilled facilitators in preparation for the roll-out of the ILCMP at provincial and district levels for 660 health professionals, 200 of which will be supported by the Project.

This builds on the Project’s successful Leadership Development Program, conducted for teams from ten rural health facilities from May to August. At the end of the workshop, results from this first cohort of facility leadership teams were presented, demonstrating the program’s potential to transform health system performance at all levels.

January 2008

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