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Family Planning Efforts in Rwanda Informed by Study Tour in Kenya Print E-mail

During the week of October 7-14, Capacity Project/Rwanda family planning (FP) team members Dr. William Twahirwa and Jovite Sinzahera traveled to Kenya for a study tour of FP on-the-job training (OJT) sites.

They visited five field sites in Nakuru and Malindi districts to learn about innovative practices for integrating OJT and services in FP and reproductive health into the established HIV/AIDS package offered at facilities supported by the Capacity Project/Kenya.

Through meetings with officials from the Kenya Ministry of Health and Ministry of Planning and National Development, as well as site visits with staff from the Capacity Project, FHI and JHPIEGO, Twahirwa and Sinzahera assessed a variety of integration methods and challenges. They will now adapt and implement key strategies into their own OJT and FP programs in Rwandan contexts.

November 2007

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