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National Reproductive Health Training Plan Finalized in Kenya Print E-mail

In early October, the Ministry of Health in Kenya completed its 2007-2012 National Reproductive Health (RH) Training Plan, which will be formally launched in January.

The Capacity Project provided key technical leadership and facilitated the plan development process, which included engaging a large stakeholder community to achieve consensus on goals and content.

The plan provides overall guidance in the design, planning, coordination and implementation of training activities in line with Kenya’s national RH needs and priorities. The goal of the plan is to “ensure that health personnel are in adequate numbers at all appropriate levels and have the knowledge, technical skills and positive attitudes, to handle reproductive health issues” within a comprehensive and integrated system of RH care, offered by the public, NGO and private sectors. All projects and development partners will be expected to use this plan to support training on the provision of RH services in Kenya.

November 2007


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