From Grassroots to Global: Partnerships to Strengthen Human Resources for Health |
Global Health Council
Tuesday, May 29, 2007, 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Omni Shoreham Hotel, Executive Room
The Capacity Project is hosting an auxiliary event at the 2007 Global Health Council conference in Washington, DC. Please join us to explore how global, regional and local collaboration can help address key human resources for health (HRH) issues such as strengthening HR information systems, improving retention and accelerating recruitment and hiring.
The session will begin with an overview of key partnership principles that form the basis of the Capacity Project's work in addressing HRH issues. We will then focus on four key activities to look at the ways in which these principles helped to meet implementation challenges:
- The Kenya Emergency Hiring Plan (Ummuro Adano)
- Human Resources Information System Strengthening (Dykki Settle)
- The Uganda Job Satisfaction and Retention Study (Pam McQuide)
- The HRH Action Framework Development (Jim McCaffery)
In addition to discussing these activities, we will be soliciting shared experiences as we move along the agenda.
Registration at the conference is not required to attend this auxiliary event. Please contact
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to reserve a seat.

Related resources:
- Kenya’s Health Care Crisis: Mobilizing the Workforce in a New Way
- Global HRIS Strengthening
- HRH Action Framework